Both these books dealt with life after death. In particular the situation of what happens immediately after one physically dies. Despite a number of attempts I have been unable to find out who published these books, whether there was a third one, and who currently holds the copyright.
This is part of the reason for me making this web page. Perhaps someone with some information about these things could contact me here ? It would particularly interest me if any of these titles are available now. As far as I can tell they have been "out of print" for decades.
The other reason is that I think that visitors to
this site may enjoy reading something from the book. Unfortunately my lack of
contact with the author means I cannot publish it in book form, or here, but
nevertheless I will quote a small part. The beginning. I hope you like
IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN SAID that to every story there is a beginning, a middle and an end. But how, and where, does one begin a story that has neither beginning nor end, and no middle, a story that is endless, timeless? All that can be said of it is that it is. My name is John and it has been my pleasure, since You ask, 'What manner of person is this?' and 'Where All the great teachers, throughout the ages, have told us: These are fine words, platitudes you may think, and to I was such a one. I wondered and pondered but did not |
Follow this link to read the beginning of his story.